National UFO Reporting Center - December 95 Reports

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12/1/95 17:20 Waukesha, WI Woman in car witnesses "shooting star" descend vertically, suddenly stop, suddenly shoot of horizontally. Multiple lights on it.
12/1/95 21:00 Mt. Shasta, CA Comm. pilot repts. witnessing multiple peculiar flashes of light from N of Mt. Shasta to Eugene, OR. Bursts moved N w/ aircraft.
12/1/95 22:55 Owosso, MI Pilot, former FAA controller, sees 5 "pinkish" small lights in clear area of sky, arranged in precise staggered-V formation, streak.
12/1/95 23:40 Orland Park, IL Man repts. seeing 4-5 very bright, multi-colored lights in southern night sky. Appear to move, but very little. (Twinkling stars?)
12/2/95 22:00 Sebastopal, CA Man in car witnesses 2 peculiar lights, which suddenly became 3 lights, then began to move slowly. Heard "engine sound."
12/3/95 11:20 Chandler, AZ Woman sees bright light in daytime sky. Was "oriented vert," and was moving E to W, then to SW. Moved fast. Saw 2nd light.
12/3/95 21:00 Boring, OR Woman, son, & friend witness multiple, rapid red flashes in clouds in distance, then overhead. No sound. Other repts. to 911.
12/3/95 22:00 Nisqually Delta, WA Woman & husband, while driving S on Hwy. I-5, witness obj. beside road light up huge area of sky for 3 sec., again 10 min. later.
12/4/95 2:14 Seattle, WA Man reports a brief power failure, looks outside and witnesses a luminous obj., size of star, streak from W to E in southern sky.
12/4/95 22:16 Geneva, NY Woman rpts a very bright stationary light in SE sky "below Orion's Belt" that looks "like a horseshoe." Alternating red, blue, white.
12/5/95 20:30 N. Bend, WA Newspaper reporter calls seeking information regarding sighting of peculiar object over N. Bend on prior night.
12/5/95 20:30 North Bend, WA Two adults, 7 children, witness "an orangey light, like an 1/8th moon," hover, move south, then hover again in clouds. No sound.
12/6/95 17:00 Bothell, WA Father & daughter driving in car witness "beautiful electric blue" triang. shaped obj. in evening sky. Flipped on side, maneuvered.
12/6/95 22:45 Lynnwood, WA Five youth watching TV see a "black obj., w/ no lights" streak by apt. window. Later, saw beam of light over pond. Called 911.
12/7/95 20:40 Oldsmar, FL Six witnessed very bright obj. streak from N to S in E sky. 1/4 size of full moon. Blue head, short orange/blue tail. Silent.
12/9/95 18:30 Springfield, IL IL State Police/Morgan Co. Sher. relayed mult. repts. of peculiar, very brightwhite&blue flashes in sky. Seen by citizens, troopers.
12/10/95 6:00 Clayton, NM Nurse & daughter see 2 very bright objs. in a.m. sky, flashing red, white, blue lights in constant pattern. Both moved. Not stars.
12/10/95 18:12 Phoenix, AZ Man, neighbor, 6 kids witnessed first three bright objs. in twilight sky, then two others streaked up to 1st 3. Not stars or planets.
12/10/95 22:45 Houston, TX Man & wife on freeway see round disc w/ red blinking lights streak by. Obj. flipped on edge. Wife saw door or hatch on bottom.
12/10/95 23:00 Jolliet, IL Man witnesses bright red streak of light travel from W to E in front of his car as he is driving N on highway.
12/12/95 22:30 Glen, NY Young woman & friend witness bizarre, round obj. w/ intensely bright blue/white lights. Pursued obj. in car; obsrvd. it on ground.
12/13/95 18:45 Upper Makefield, PA Two young girls witnessed extremely bright white, spinning lights overhead. Lts. turned blue, disappeared. Local power failure.
12/14/95 4:24 Boise, ID FAA employee observes six objects descend out of the night sky and explode into fragments very close to ground. Bizarre sight.
12/14/95 14:45 Pomona, CA While delivering packages, man observes 16 round, or oval, tiny golden objs. overhead. Objs. maneuvered, suddenly disappeared.
12/17/95 20:15 Greenville, NC Man witnesses 3 orange lights in triangular pattern hover momentarily, glide across sky, pause, pivot, the fade from view.
12/18/95 18:15 Auburn, WA UFO investigator driving west on Hwy 18 W of I-5 sees prominant, horiz. shaft of vivid green light. (Was laser at theme park.)
12/18/95 21:45 Scottsdale, AZ Man (pilot) & woman witness stationary bright obj. w/ strobe lights in NE sky. Regular strobing pattern. FAA radar negative.
12/19/95 17:40 Indian Heights, IN Man, other residents, witness bizarre cluster of lights--"red in middle, 3 white lights around it." Reported to flicker.
12/20/95 23:50 Schnecksville, PA Man & daughter witness triangular obj. w/ 3 very bright white lights on the corners, 1 red light in the cntr. Obj. circled their home!
12/27/95 20:15 Rte. 40, CA Man w/ wife witness bizarre "grayish yellow light" streak almost vert. from night sky, go to horizon. (Awaiting written rept.)